Although I was not able to attend opening night for the exhibition, I was still happy to be a participating artist. Two of my works: Inspired by Crokinole & Inspired by Warri hung among works that were created by nine other artists interpreting the theme for the exhibition: ABSTRACT ART & GAMES. Exhibition coordinator Jun Sato was kind to forward candid photos in this post of the Vernissage so I could view all the wonderful works and feel the excitement of the opening evening.

Titre : Inspiré par Crokinole
Année de création : 2024
Impression d’archives : Blanc brillant Hahnemühle 310g – encre pigmentée
Taille : Image 38,1 cm X 38,1 cm – Papier 44.1cm X 44.1cm
Description : Crokinole est un jeu de table unique dans lequel les joueurs tentent de faire sortir les pièces rondes des autres du plateau. J’aimais y jouer quand j’étais enfant. Mes ancêtres québécois l’appelaient “Pichenotte”. Il a réuni petits et grands pour un moment ludique.
Title: Inspired by Crokinole
Year Created: 2024
Archival Print: Bright White Hahnemühle 310g – pigment ink
Size: Image 38,1 cm X 38,1 cm – Paper 44.1cm X 44.1cm
Description: Crokinole is a unique tabletop game in which players attempt to flick each other’s round pieces off the board. I enjoyed playing it as a child. My Quebec ancestors called it “Pichenotte”. It brought together both young and old for a fun time.

Titre : Inspiré par Warri
Année de création : 2024
Impression d’archives : Blanc brillant Hahnemühle 310g – encre pigmentée
Taille : Image (38,1 cm X 17,2 cm) – Papier 44.1cm X 23.3cm
Description : « Warri est un jeu portant plusieurs noms différents, dont wari (ou owari), wao, awèlè, awela, ayo, aji, awari, oware et ouri. Ce jeu appartient à la famille des fosses et des cailloux, originaire de l’Égypte ancienne il y a environ 3 500 ans, ce qui en fait l’un des jeux les plus anciens au monde. Le mot « warri » signifie maisons et ce jeu est celui dans lequel un joueur essaie de capturer autant que possible de maisons d’un adversaire… »
Citation : de : A à Z du patrimoine de la Barbade par C.M. Sean Carrington. Henry S. Fraser, John T. Gilmore, G Addinton Forde (Miller Publishing Company Limited)
Title: Inspired by Warri
Year Created: 2024
Archival Print: Bright White Hahnemühle 310g – pigment ink
Size: Image (38,1 cm X 17,2 cm) – Paper 44.1cm X 23.3cm
Description: “Warri is a game with several different names, including wari (or owari), wao, awèlè, awela, ayo, aji, awari, oware and ouri. This game is of the pit-and-pebble family, which originated in Ancient Egypt some 3,500 years ago, making it one of the oldest games in the world. The word “warri” means houses and this game is one in which a player tries to capture as many as possible of an opponent’s houses…”
Quote: from: A to Z of Barbados Heritage by C.M. Sean Carrington. Henry S. Fraser, John T. Gilmore, G Addinton Forde (Miller Publishing Company Limited)
ABSTRACT PROJECT Gallery – Place of creation, reflection and dissemination
Galerie ABSTRACT PROJECT – Lieu de creation, de reflexion et de diffusion
Abstract Project est un centre d’Art collaboratif et participatif ouvert sur les problématiques esthétiques, scientifiques, ou sociétales des abstractions.
Abstract Project is a collaborative and participatory Art center open to the aesthetic, scientific, or societal issues of abstractions.